Voodoo Doughnuts in Eugene Oregon

Voodoo Doughnuts is an Oregon legend and one I’ve been dying to try ever since I learned they make a doughnut filled with another Oregon delicacy, Kelly’s Strawbañero Jelly. Strawbañero jelly is exactly what it sounds like, a delightful combination of sweet strawberries with a kick of heat from habanero peppers that tastes amazing with some crusty bread and a hunk of mild brie. It’s become one of my favorite appetizers.

Kelly Strawbañero Jelly with sourdough and brie

Kelly Strawbañero Jelly with sourdough and brie

I couldn’t wait to try that sweet Strawbañero heat in a doughnut. Unfortunately, it turns out they only carry that particular flavor on Thursdays in their Portland store and I was in Eugene. Not that there was a lack of options, from the a simple Buttermilk Bar doughnut to the No Name doughnut, a raised yeast doughnut with chocolate frosting, rice krispies and peanut butter, to the Triple Chocolate Penetration doughnut, a chocolate cake doughnut with chocolate frosting and coco-puffs, oh my!

Just a few of the doughnuts in Voodoo Doughnuts rotating display case

Just a few of the doughnuts in Voodoo Doughnuts rotating display case

I loved this place from the second I walked in. It’s exactly what a locally owned Oregon sweet shop should be. Relaxed, with the slightly scruffy vibe of an independent coffee shop, loads of vegan options, and loads of pink boxes stacked on the counter sporting a voodoo doctor logo, enticing you, down right daring you, to try the vastly less virtuous options within. Baking racks behind the counter were filled with confections fresh from the oven, constantly being reloaded as I awaited my turn to order, and the entire shop smelled of that intoxicating aroma that can only come from warm sugar and fresh bread products. If I could send it to you through this screen I’d be a millionaire. And apparently I wasn’t alone in loving it. At 3pm on a Saturday the line was out the door.

Voodoo Doughnuts boxes stacked on the counter

Voodoo Doughnuts boxes stacked on the counter

The trouble for me with going to places like this is that I want to taste everything. I’d rather have one bite of four doughnuts, ok five or six doughnuts, than eat one whole one. Lucky for me, I have understanding friends who are willing to share. I decided try the Portland Cream, a classic cream-filled doughnut topped with chocolate, and their signature doughnut, the Voodoo Doll, a raised yeast doughnut filled with raspberry jelly topped with chocolate frosting complete with a pretzel pin stabbed in the heart. And my friend selected a Chocolate Cake Doughnut topped with chocolate frosting and flake coconut and Bacon Maple Bar.

My delicious selections

My delicious selection

IMG_0889 My two favorites were the Portland Cream and the Bacon Maple Bar. Normally I’m not a fan of cream-filled doughnuts, but this one was so extraordinarily fresh, with cream that wasn’t overwhelmingly sweet and topped with ooey gooey, barely-set-enough-not-to-drip chocolate frosting that it overcame my negative predisposition.

Portland Cream doughnut

Portland Cream doughnut

And then there was the Bacon Maple Bar. These days everyone seems to be obsessed with putting bacon on everything under the sun to the point of total absurdity. However, I must confess I savored every counter-intuitive, sweet, carnivorous bite of this particular confection. Maple and bacon really are perfect compliments to one another – both slightly smoky, one sweet, the other salty. It was a bit like having pancakes with maple syrup and a side of bacon only better, much, much better. Now I just needed to plan second trip so I can finally taste that elusive Strawbañero jelly-filled doughnut. These are the kinds of problems I like to have!