Pancetta & Pea Mini Frittatas

ILCB Frittatas - 2 of 2

I love, love, love frittatas!!! There’s something about rich, silky eggs and melted cheese that just screams weekend brunch indulgence. But here’s my little secret, these babies aren’t just great fresh from the oven, they reheat like a dream in the microwave in just 30 seconds! I love making a big batch of them on Sundays and then having them for quick breakfasts or even breakfast for dinner (shh, don’t tell!) throughout the week. They make me feel like I’m having something hearty and nourishing even when I’m racing out the door. Salty pancetta and bright, fresh peas are one of my favorite combinations, but the only real limit to filling options here is your imagination. Just be sure whatever you use is pre-cooked.


1/2 cup frozen petite peas*

4oz pancetta, finely diced**

1 cup grated gruyere cheese

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

6 large eggs blended with enough cream to make 3 cups

Vegetable cooking spray


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  In a non-stick skillet over medium high heat cook the pancetta until crispy and brown, 5-10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, scoop the pancetta onto paper towel-lined plate set aside and allow to cool

Coat the cups of a non-stick muffin tin with vegetable cooking spray.  Evenly divide 1/2 cup gruyere cheese, peas and pancetta between the muffin cups.  In a large liquid measuring cup, blend together the eggs, cream, salt, pepper, and nutmeg.  Pour egg mixture into muffin cups filling each cup 3/4 of the way full. Sprinkle remaining the 1/2 cup gruyere cheese over the tops. Bake 30-35 minutes until puffed and brown.

Remove from oven and allow to cool 1-2 minutes. Being careful not to burn yourself, gently run a butter knife around edge of each frittata by carefully pulling back the edge of the frittata that has puffed over the top of the tin and sliding the knife between the edge of the tin and the frittata.  Place a cooling rack face down over the top of the muffin tin and using a pair of oven mitts, flip the frittatas onto the cooling rack.  Turn frittatas right side up and serve hot.

Frittatas can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. To reheat, place 1-2 frittatas on a microwave-safe plate and microwave on high for 30 seconds.

Makes 12 frittatas

Pancetta & Pea Mini Frittatas Cut Open

*Petite peas are sweeter and crisper than their full-grown counterparts which can sometimes be mealy.

**I like using Trader Joe’s pancetta which comes pre-diced in exactly the right amount, and makes this recipe even quicker and easier, but of course any pancetta will work.


3 thoughts on “Pancetta & Pea Mini Frittatas

  1. I’ve made these multiple times – a batch to eat during the week and as snacks for people coming to visit. They pair beautifully with Prosecco or Mimosas for brunch. Lots of options for fillings too – red peppers/bacon/spinach/goats cheese – love them!

  2. SO GOOD and easy…the nutmeg is a fun, creative ingredient!! We made a dozen to take camping and heated them up over the fire on a cast iron skillet. Easy to transport and were very moist when reheated!

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