Raspberry Cheese Blintzes

Raspberry Cheese Blintzes on a plate with a fork, napkin, and roses

Madison Park Cafe used to be a favorite brunch place for my mother and I. After they closed we really missed their amazing cheese blintzes. So a few years back, I created my own version for Mother’s Day. Now it is an annual tradition. Creamy, sweetened ricotta on the inside brightened with just a little bit of lemon zest, wrapped in a delicate crêpe and topped with fresh raspberry sauce — these blintzes make a wonderful treat for a special breakfast.


3 large eggs

2/3 cup milk

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Peach Ricotta Fruit Salad

This is one of my most versatile recipes. So much so, that I almost didn’t know what to call it. Is it a fruit salad? A pudding? Who cares, it’s delicious! Creamy lemon and vanilla-scented ricotta forms the bed for bright, juicy peaches that are the essence of summer flavor. Passion fruit vinegar adds a unique tropical note and olive oil and basil lend it fresh from the garden quality. I originally made this dish to have for breakfast in the summer, but spread the ricotta in a shallow bowl and top with all of the peaches and it makes a fantastic fruit salad for a picnic or BBQ.  The ricotta can be made in advance and kept for several days in the refrigerator.


2 1/2 lbs peaches, sliced into 1/2 inch pieces

1 teaspoon sugar Continue reading

Pancetta & Pea Mini Frittatas

ILCB Frittatas - 2 of 2

I love, love, love frittatas!!! There’s something about rich, silky eggs and melted cheese that just screams weekend brunch indulgence. But here’s my little secret, these babies aren’t just great fresh from the oven, they reheat like a dream in the microwave in just 30 seconds! I love making a big batch of them on Sundays and then having them for quick breakfasts or even breakfast for dinner (shh, don’t tell!) throughout the week. They make me feel like I’m having something hearty and nourishing even when I’m racing out the door. Salty pancetta and bright, fresh peas are one of my favorite combinations, but the only real limit to filling options here is your imagination. Just be sure whatever you use is pre-cooked.


1/2 cup frozen petite peas* Continue reading

Apple Cinnamon Bread Pudding

My local coffee shop makes an absolutely fantastic bread pudding. So fantastic in fact, that one day I asked the owner if he’d be willing to share the recipe.  After receiving an extremely surly, “no” in reply I decided I could make it better myself. This recipe is the result.  To me it tastes like the holidays; like warm cinnamon rolls with a little bit of sweet, tart apple pie freshness.  Not only is it the perfect festive dessert, it also makes for a wonderfully indulgent holiday breakfast. I love it because I can make it the day before and just re-heat it when I’m ready to serve, leaving me free to celebrate the season with my guests.  Continue reading

Raspberry Almond Pancakes

Normally, I’m not a fan of sweet breakfasts.  Give me some fresh fruit and cheese or some oatmeal (with salt! not sugar).  But for Raspberry Almond Pancakes I’ll make an exception. This recipe combines two of my favorite sweet breakfast foods – fruit pancakes and almond croissants.

Almond croissants take me back to childhood Sunday brunches with my mom at a long-since closed Seattle café, the Surrogate Hostess. And fruit pancakes make me think of another old Seattle restaurant, where I used to get blueberry pancakes as big as my head! In this recipe I’ve replaced the blueberries with raspberries.  Their ever so slightly tart flavor is the perfect balance for the sweetness of the almond paste I borrowed from those croissants.

Raspberry Almond Panckaes


1c Flour Continue reading

Pineapple Basil Rice with Passionfruit Vinegar

This morning I planned to kick off my day with one of my favorite breakfasts, Steel Cut Oatmeal with Orange Supremes and Thyme, however, discovering that every saucepan in the house was in the dishwasher due the previous evenings cooking frenzy put a crimp in that plan.  So what to do?

Instead of oatmeal, I cooked up a package of instant brown rice I keep in the house for just such emergencies, tossed in some finely diced fresh pineapple, a few leaves of sliced fresh Basil and my secret weapon, passionfruit vinegar.

Pineapple Basil Rice with Passionfruit Vinegar

Pineapple Basil Rice with Passionfruit Vinegar

You won’t find passionfruit vinegar at most grocery stores, but it’s fairly easy to come by at specialty oil and vinegar stores. Not only did it give the rice that bit of acidity it needed, but it perfumed the whole dish with the scent of the tropics. I find speciality vinegars to be a really handy way to add acidity, flavor and even a hint of sweetness to dishes without adding fat or sugar, so I keep an arsenal on hand.  Passionfruit, Elderflower, Strawberry and Lavender are a few of my favorites.


2c Instant brown rice

1c Finely diced pineapple

10 Fresh basil leaves

1/4 tsp Kosher salt

1 tsp Passionfruit vinegar

Prepare instant brown rice according to package instructions.  Combine rice, salt and passionfruit vinegar in a medium-size bowl.  Chiffonade basil by stacking 5-10 leaves, depending on size, on top of each other, rolling up like a cigar, and slicing crosswise into 1/8 inch ribbons. Add basil and pineapple to bowl, toss gently and serve.