Fresh Nectarine Pie

Fresh Peach Pie Slice and Pie

I look forward to nectarine and peach season all year long!  There is something about that sweet, juicy fruit that just screams summer.  In this pie, I paired an extra thick and crumbly graham cracker crust with a luxurious cream cheese topping and bright, fresh nectarines to create a perfect bite of southern comfort.  A little bit of apricot liqueur adds some crisp acidity and intensifies the nectarine flavor.  It’s sweet, salty, creamy and exactly what I want after a BBQ on a hot summer night. And if a little of that apricot liqueur ends up in your glass with it, I won’t judge!

Graham Cracker Crust

12 whole graham crackers, roughly crumbled into pieces Continue reading

Maui Brownie Bites

Maui Brownie Bites

This recipe was inspired by a brown sugar buttercream truffle enrobed in dark chocolate at my favorite local chocolate shop in Seattle.  I’m not sure what it is about brown sugar buttercream that makes me think of Hawaii.  Perhaps it’s that the flavor reminds me, not of the coconut, but the rich sugary brown notes you smell in suntan lotion on the beach.

I wanted to take those flavors and bring them to something more easily made at home. These brownie bites are still rich and chocolatey. The graham cracker adds a bit of buttery, salty crunch and also makes the bites easier to remove from the muffin tin! But it’s the buttercream that takes it over the top.


Graham Cracker Crust

6 whole cinnamon graham crackers, crumbled

2 tablespoons sugar Continue reading