Raspberry Cheese Blintzes

Raspberry Cheese Blintzes on a plate with a fork, napkin, and roses

Madison Park Cafe used to be a favorite brunch place for my mother and I. After they closed we really missed their amazing cheese blintzes. So a few years back, I created my own version for Mother’s Day. Now it is an annual tradition. Creamy, sweetened ricotta on the inside brightened with just a little bit of lemon zest, wrapped in a delicate crêpe and topped with fresh raspberry sauce — these blintzes make a wonderful treat for a special breakfast.


3 large eggs

2/3 cup milk

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Raspberry Almond Pancakes

Normally, I’m not a fan of sweet breakfasts.  Give me some fresh fruit and cheese or some oatmeal (with salt! not sugar).  But for Raspberry Almond Pancakes I’ll make an exception. This recipe combines two of my favorite sweet breakfast foods – fruit pancakes and almond croissants.

Almond croissants take me back to childhood Sunday brunches with my mom at a long-since closed Seattle café, the Surrogate Hostess. And fruit pancakes make me think of another old Seattle restaurant, where I used to get blueberry pancakes as big as my head! In this recipe I’ve replaced the blueberries with raspberries.  Their ever so slightly tart flavor is the perfect balance for the sweetness of the almond paste I borrowed from those croissants.

Raspberry Almond Panckaes


1c Flour Continue reading