Sweet Potatoes with Brown Sugar Pecan Streusel

Everything great about pecan pie and sweet potato casserole comes together in this recipe.  This is the one Thanksgiving side I’m never “allowed” to skip.  Interestingly, it is the former sweet potato-haters in my life who are now the most insistent that I make it every year.  Probably because I, like them, can’t stand the sickly-sweet marshmallows on top of a traditional sweet potato casserole.  But the nutty streusel in this recipe is just the right balance.  It still tastes like dessert sneaking it’s way into the savory course of the meal, but it isn’t going to give you a cavity!  Continue reading

Pineapple Basil Rice with Passionfruit Vinegar

This morning I planned to kick off my day with one of my favorite breakfasts, Steel Cut Oatmeal with Orange Supremes and Thyme, however, discovering that every saucepan in the house was in the dishwasher due the previous evenings cooking frenzy put a crimp in that plan.  So what to do?

Instead of oatmeal, I cooked up a package of instant brown rice I keep in the house for just such emergencies, tossed in some finely diced fresh pineapple, a few leaves of sliced fresh Basil and my secret weapon, passionfruit vinegar.

Pineapple Basil Rice with Passionfruit Vinegar

Pineapple Basil Rice with Passionfruit Vinegar

You won’t find passionfruit vinegar at most grocery stores, but it’s fairly easy to come by at specialty oil and vinegar stores. Not only did it give the rice that bit of acidity it needed, but it perfumed the whole dish with the scent of the tropics. I find speciality vinegars to be a really handy way to add acidity, flavor and even a hint of sweetness to dishes without adding fat or sugar, so I keep an arsenal on hand.  Passionfruit, Elderflower, Strawberry and Lavender are a few of my favorites.


2c Instant brown rice

1c Finely diced pineapple

10 Fresh basil leaves

1/4 tsp Kosher salt

1 tsp Passionfruit vinegar

Prepare instant brown rice according to package instructions.  Combine rice, salt and passionfruit vinegar in a medium-size bowl.  Chiffonade basil by stacking 5-10 leaves, depending on size, on top of each other, rolling up like a cigar, and slicing crosswise into 1/8 inch ribbons. Add basil and pineapple to bowl, toss gently and serve.